New Year…New Approaches!
I love the start of a New Year, it feels so great to have a fresh new beginning. Some of my “go-to” tasks for a new year are:
Buying a new planner/calendar.
As most of you know, I am a devoted digital person; however, I have learned over the years that it’s hard for me to plan things out in a digital format. I need to see everything on paper, in one place. Appointments always go into my digital calendar, but the “real stuff” lives in my planner. This year, I am experimenting with a new system, the Day Designer. I am so giddy about this system, I can’t wait to have it in my hands. It’s a beautiful planner with space to make lists for the things that really matter each day. Having planning tools in place helps me to stay organized, remember to take action, plan ahead and get things done. Here are a few of the planning tools available within the planner:
- Today’s Top Three
- Due
- Dinner
- Don’t Forget
- Other To Do
- Download
- Gratitude
- Dollars
- Inspirational quote
If your considering giving it a try: they have “printables” available, so you can familiarize yourself and try out the program, a dedicated community page and Facebook group to learn from others, and share your successes. You are totally set up to succeed with this program! In November I will review how the system has helped so you can make your 2017 planner decision!
Some other “New Year Tasks” I enjoy:
Clearing out my last year’s files (especially bills). I pulled them out of each folder, staple or clip them together, and put them in my tax bin (this is where everything related to my taxes goes until I file them). Now I have tons of room for the new year!
Holiday card tracking, so that I know who I sent cards to and received cards from. Then, I hate to say it, but I throw the cards out. I love getting them, I have enjoyed them for a few weeks. For tracking, I use a label document that I copy/create every year. I edit the list and “Save As” and so I don’t have to recreate each year or start over.
Shredding! My other new and exciting addition to my office is a covered shred box! I have one of those covered boxes from a shredding event, it was so ugly that this year I decided to use beautiful wrapping paper to make it visually pleasing to the eye.
Beautify! Adding plants or fresh flowers to your office space brightens the space and brings the outdoors, inside (especially during these dark winter months). This year, I added a new plant and surround myself with beautiful things that make me happy. I helps having inspiration and beauty around you, so you aren’t tempted to clutter up the space.
What are some of your New Year traditions to get you off on the right foot?