Organizing for the Holidays
The holiday season is in full full swing, are you ready? Some people find that organizing for the holidays is a stressful process, some get their energy from it. Retailers will be fighting for your holiday dollars. I couldn’t help but smile watching the new Amazon commercial.
Cute, huh?!
Regardless of where you are on the holiday season spectrum, there is likely work to be done to plan out the coming weeks, the good news is we are here to help support you.
Plan out your shopping: Although gift cards can feel practical, it’s OK to spend a little time to find that special gift for a loved one, friend, neighbor or colleague. Our gift guide is one of our most popular posts, so be sure to check out all the ideas for when you get stuck or have a “hard to buy” for person. Oh, and we also have a clutter-free kid guide. The next question is once the shopping is done, are you ready to wrap? Relax, we’ve got you covered!
Prep your kitchen space: It doesn’t matter if you are hosting a holiday meal, baking cookies for friends, or planning a gift exchange. You need to spend some time in your kitchen and plan your attack. If anything, use this time to take stock up for you and your family (so you can avoid the peak busy hours at the grocery store).
Prepare your space for guests: We love it when traveling to family members homes because we always feel so welcome. Depending on the relative, it’s sometimes better than going to a nice hotel or resort. Guests will appreciate a perfect guest room. This is a great way to spread good cheer.
Ask for help: Deciding what you need to do versus what you want to do is a tough choice. Remember we are here to help you. Our team of professionals is can help you get and keep your holiday season organized. There is no project too large (or too small) that we can’t tackle.
Don’t reinvent the wheel: Are you stuck…don’t know where to begin? Our holiday checklists can help you organize for the holidays. You can download to inspire your inner elf. It’s a great first step in planning gifts, planning a party or organizing your cards.
Regardless of how you navigate through the next seven weeks, we encourage you to enjoy the meaning of the season.